How do different cities work with waterborne public transport? And what are the keys to successful transports? A report from KTH analyses waterborne public transport systems from 23 different cities. The report is written by Harsha Cheemakurthy, Karl Garme and Lighthouse Postdoctor Michael Tanko, all of them at KTH.
REPORT: Urban waterborne public transport systems: An overview of existing operations in world cities
This report aims to collate information on existing waterborne public transport systems in order to provide a resource for cities that may be considering implementing a water transit network. Stockholm County Council has recently expressed interest in expanding its existing inland waterway network to facilitate increased passenger transport capacity within the city and surrounding districts. This report introduces waterway public transportation systems currently operating in 23 cities around the world to provide an overview of the current state of urban water transit globally.
Read the article about the report at www.lighthous.nu: Keys to successful waterborne public transports:s
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